How does Planting Seeds treat my child? 

By modifying what happens before the behavior occurs and what happens after the behavior occurs, the behavior can be changed itself. 

  • Sometimes that means teaching or increasing a behavior (for example, communication, self-care, basic learner skills, and social skills).

  • Sometimes that means reducing a challenging behavior (for example, tantrums, aggression, self-injury, property destruction. 

When teaching new behaviors, we allow many opportunities for the child to practice the skill. 

  • Reinforcements are provided for practicing the skill correctly.

  • If the child practices the skill incorrectly, the analyst shows them how to do it the right way and may help the child complete the skill correctly with physical guidance. 

  • This takes place in different locations and potentially with different people so the child learns to use the skill in natural settings (for example, if we are teaching a child to wash their hands we might practice at the sink in the bathroom and in the kitchen; if we are teaching how to make eye contact, we might practice during work time and play time).